£750 million pledged to ensure VCSE can continue their vital work supporting the country during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This includes £200 million for the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, along with an additional £150 million from dormant bank and building society accounts.
The funding is aimed at supporting those who need to continue providing their services as part of the national coronavirus response and is being allocated through the following ways:
£360 million from individual government departments to charities in England based on evidence of service need. Of this £200 million is to directly support hospices
£310 million for smaller, local VCSEs working with vulnerable people in England, including £200 million Coronavirus Community Support Fund will be distributed by the National Lottery Community Fund
£60 million in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to support thousands of charities on the frontline helping vulnerable people affected by COVID-19
£150 million from dormant bank and building society accounts is to be unlocked to help charities, social enterprises and individuals
Match funding the generous public donations to the BBC Big Night In. The latest fundraising total is over £35 million. The first £20 million of match
Source: government, published June 1, 2020 11.50am
Click here for full details: Financial Support for VSCE